Differences Between Cleaning and Disinfecting

Our Alpine Maids crew is educated on what is the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. We can assist you in cleaning your house quickly. Call us right now to schedule expert cleaning services.
The topic sanitize vs. disinfect may be at the top of your mind. Which disinfectants are the most effective when it comes to sanitizing high-touch items to prevent the spread of COVID-19? How should they be used in the safest possible way? What exactly is the difference between cleaning and disinfecting? What does sanitizing do?
We are here to answer the most often asked questions about what is the difference between disinfection and sterilization.

What Exactly Is The Difference Between Cleaning And Disinfecting?
When you clean something, you remove all apparent signs of dust or filth. It’s the same as washing a filthy T-shirt or cleaning a wooden shelf with a towel and furniture polish.
The purpose of disinfection is to eliminate any germs that may be residing in or on anything by utilizing heat, light, chemicals, or another method. An excellent example of disinfection is scrubbing a toilet bowl with a bleach solution.
What Does Sanitizing Do?
If your rubber boots become dirty, rinse them off with a garden hose and let them dry on the back porch. However, just because things seem clean does not mean they are germ-free. Sanitizing kills germs and bacteria.
Now, let’s break down the differences in sanitize vs disinfect.
Sanitize Vs Disinfect
To destroy bacteria, chemicals are used in disinfection. While it does not always clean filthy surfaces or eradicate germs, it can destroy bacteria and may reduce the chance of illness spreading.
Sanitizing is the process of eliminating and reducing the quantity of germs to an acceptable level as determined by public health guidelines.
How Frequently Should I Disinfect My Home’s Objects And Areas?
Tables, chairs, phones, keypads, countertops, remote controls, water faucets, drawer pulls, refrigerator handles, and door handles should all be sanitized on a regular basis. This is particularly crucial while the pandemic continues.
Bathtubs, showers, wastebaskets, toilets, and floors should be disinfected once a week in kitchens and bathrooms.
What If The Odor Of Cleaning Supplies Makes Me Sick?
Sick patients, including those with cancer, are often more sensitive to specific odors, and as a result of their therapy, they may suffer nausea. If the aromas of disinfectants and other cleaning materials make you sick, allow another member of your family to perform the cleaning, if feasible. Or, give us a call to take care of your cleaning needs. Also, we recommend aerating the rooms. You can do this by opening the windows and doors to allow the odor to dissipate.
What Are The Finest Cleaning Products For The Home?
The best cleaning product to use depends on what you want to clean. It’s always a good idea to check the label of any product before using it to ensure that it’s suited to clean the object in question.
Make certain that you properly follow the directions. To protect your eyes, skin, and lungs from harsh chemicals, read all warning labels and obey them. If advised, use rubber gloves or even protective glasses. When working with materials that emit significant fumes, use extreme caution. These may be hazardous in poorly ventilated, cramped, or enclosed environments.
On the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you may find information on how to clean various home goods (upholstery, electrical gadgets, etc.), as well as disinfection treatments for various surfaces.
When I Can’t Locate Disinfectants In The Shop, What Can I Create At Home?
If you can’t locate antibacterial wipes, you may manufacture your own by combining a 10% bleach solution with paper towels. Soak the paper towels in a solution of 1/3 cup bleach per gallon of purified water (or 4 tablespoons per quart), wring them dry (with clean hands or gloves), and store them in a tight plastic bag. Make sure the bleach isn’t outdated and isn’t labeled “color-safe,” since it could not be acceptable for disinfection.
If you can’t locate a disinfecting spray, a spray bottle filled with 70% alcohol would suffice. Spray it on any surfaces that need disinfecting and wipe them down. However, alcohol releases fumes and is very flammable, so use great caution around heat sources and open flames. Also, don’t use a concentration greater than 70%, since studies have shown that these products just freeze the virus’s outer layer rather than killing it.
If you can’t locate cleaners, you may manufacture your own using the World Health Organization’s recommendation of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and glycerol.
Can I Use Multiple Disinfectants At The Same Time?
No. If you don’t understand the chemical qualities of the items you’re utilizing and how they interact with one another, it may be quite harmful. So, even if you’re using various kinds of cleansers throughout the home, use extreme caution.
Never combine bleach with vinegar or ammonia. In high enough quantities, it emits deadly chlorine gas, which may burn or blister skin, cause lung damage, and even death.
Mixing rubbing alcohol and bleach is also not a good idea. This produces chloroform, a former anesthetic that may induce liver and kidney damage, unconsciousness, and death.
What Is The Most Secure Method Of Storing Disinfectants?
Store disinfectants in their original containers, below eye level, to minimize spillage and the chance of anything landing on your head and exploding. To minimize misinterpretation, clearly identify any homemade items.
It’s also a good idea to store cleaning supplies in a designated, temperature-controlled area of your house, such as a cupboard, so they don’t become wet. Furthermore, any disinfectant-containing cupboards or drawers must have safety locks to prevent accidental consumption by children or pets.

Your Sanitizing Solution
During these uncertain times, we can help keep your home safe, sanitized, and disinfected. Regular, proper cleaning can help stop the spread of germs and lead to a healthier household. At Alpine Maids, we offer full and complete services to spruce up your space. Give us a call to schedule our services.